With the Project’s support, the third workshop on harmonising the national legislation with the EU acquis was organized for the MoJ Staff.

 ‘Harmonising national legislation with the laws of the European Union (EU) is a continuous process which does not end once a country becomes a member of the EU’, was one of the messages heard at the training.  The candidate countries need to keep up with the EU in developing mechanisms for legislation impact assessments, and in that respect organise a series of workshops and evaluations aimed at increasing the trainees’ understanding of the national legislation and harmonisation impact assessment.

This is precisely the purpose of the two-day workshop which was held on 9−10 July at the Judicial Academy. Specifically, the workshop served to increase the ability, the knowledge and the skills of the Ministry staff to draft and complete the impact assessment forms.

This workshop marked the end of a series of three workshops on Chapter 23 of the acquis. The workshops helped the participants improve the knowledge and train the skills for drafting opinions and harmonisation tables, and legislation impact assessments in terms of harmonisation of the national legislation with the EU acquis.

Last updated: March 12, 2025, 11:32